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     year=              defaults to today's year (year=ACAL to add dates that can be used with acals=).
     month=             defaults to today's month.
     day=               defaults to today's day.
     acalfmt=           Formatted display of included ACAL calendar name.  Defaults to calfmt (below).
                          Substitutes the calendar name for %s (see also textacalfmt).
     acals=             anniversary date calendars to include (normal calendars with year=ACAL entries).
     alwaystoday=       defaults to false.  If true, they date is always today.  Useful for viewing
                          upcoming events when on a page containing a calendar viewing a different date.
     calfmt=            Formatted display of included calendar name.  Defaults to %s.  Substitutes
                          the calendar name for %s (see also textcalfmt).
     callinks=          defaults to true, includes links to Today and included calendars via cals=
     cals=              calendars to include: Holidays,Cjc,...
     caltype=           normal (default) or text.
     dayofweektitlefmt= default to %a (processed with strftime).
     dayofweektitle=    hardcode your own days of the week array (processed with strftime):
     expire=            defaults to false, when set, do not display entries before today. Can also
                          be an integer delta number of days from today.
     includes=          Do includes, default is true.
     isodate=           YYYY-MM-DD, defaults is false (obsolete, textdatefmt=m-%d).
     lines=             Set to an integer value for number of lines to include from a given
                        day in a display.  This overrides paras below.
     locale=            A system valid LC_TIME locale.
     monthsback=        Can display as many as 5 years of months back (60 months)
                          (might kill your browser though)
     monthsahead=       Can display as many as 5 years of months ahead (60 months)
                          (might kill your browser though)
     monthtitlefmt=     defaults to Y (processed with strftime).
     monthtitle=        hardcode your own month names (processed with strftime):
                           New Year,Lovers Month,Lions Month,Showers Month,
     navnext=           defaults to » (processed with strftime)
     navprev=           defaults to « (processed with strftime)
     onedate=           defaults to false.  On caltype=text, if true, don't repeated date entry text links
                           more than once if same date.  If set to showcals, show the calendar of origin
                           for included calendar entries after the first one.
     overrides=         (in markup only) defaults to true.  If false, disallow URL variables.
     paras=             Set to an integer value for number of paragraphs to include from a given
                        day in a display.
     cssprefix=         Create css style/divs with this prefix.  Defaults to pmcal.
     reverse=           months start with the end and go backwards.
     stopafter=         days (positive or negative) from today for which no more entries will
                        be displayed in caltype=text.  If stopafter=5, show entries for the month
                        stopping with entries beyond 5 days from today (see also expire).
     styles=            (experimental) css style selections, first is preferred.
                           e.g. PmCal,PmCal-Red
     textacalfmt=        Analagous to acalfmt, except for caltype=text display.  Defaults to
     textcalfmt=        Analagous to calfmt, except for caltype=text display.  Defaults to
     textdatefmt=       for caltype=text, defaults to %x, used for dates with caltype=text
                           (processed with strftime)
     textlinks=         defaults to true, include a dated link in caltype=text before
                           included entry.  If set to nolinks, same as true, but text
                           displayed will not be links.
     weekstart=         defaults to 0.  With 0=Sunday.  Set to the day of the week in which
                           your week starts.

Evènements à venir

(:pmcal styles=PmCal-Mini acals=Cjc caltype=text monthsahead=18 expire=true stopafter=365 zebra=false textdatefmt='e Y' alwaystoday='true' :)

(:pmcal styles=PmCal-Mini monthsahead=2 includes=false dayofweektitlefmt=%A weekstart=1:)

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Page mise à jour le 12 août 2007 à 22h37 / Page générée en 0,082 seconde(s).