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Here's a list of contributors to PmWiki development and improvement. My apologies if I've forgotten anyone -- feel free to add your name if you've been left out, feel free to remove your name if you don't want to be associated with these people. :-)

  • Scott Duff - pmwe, simple-journal.php, all-around Pm sanity checker
  • Ross Kowalski - uploads and printable page research
  • Robert Abitbol - Customization; suggestions for various features or modifications
  • John Rankin - WikiTrails, Links, EditQuickReference, notify.php, documentation, debugging
  • Joachim Durchholz - hacking documentation, general pest
  • Jessica Tishmack - uploads, testing
  • Jean-Claude Gorichon - voting
  • Janice Heinold - early PmWiki testing and suggestions, documentation
  • James Davis - WikiStyles markup, testing
  • Isabelle Michaud - floating images markup, Wiki Groups, uploads/attachments
  • Glenn Blalock - WikiStyles suggestions, testing, documentation
  • Dawn Green - WikiStyles suggestions, uploads, documentation
  • Christian Ridderström - pmwiki-mode for Emacs and some other hacks/modifications.
  • Carlo Strozzi - Internationalization, PmWiki on Boa, HTML redirection
  • Michael Weiner - Modifications to the ToDo, RssFeedDisplay, MyPmWiki, and CommentBox recipes

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This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:Contributors, and a talk page: PmWiki:Contributors-Talk.

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Page mise à jour le 17 mars 2006 à 16h30 / Page générée en 0,049 seconde(s).