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administrators (intermediate) This page describes the predefined WikiStyles and how a Wiki Administrator can define additional WikiStyles as a local customization for all pages (in local/config.php) or specific groups (in local/$Group.php).

All predefined WikiStyles are setup in the global array $WikiStyle. To define your own WikiStyles, add the setting of the correspondent WikiStyle within the array.

Predefined WikiStyles

The following array-values are set by scripts/wikistyles.php using the SDV()-function (so you can overwrite them by setting them prior in config.php or farmconfig.php):


text colors:
(equiv. to %color=xxxx define=xxxx%
%black%$WikiStyle['black']['color'] = 'black';
%white%$WikiStyle['white']['color'] = 'white';
%red%$WikiStyle['red']['color'] = 'red';
%yellow%$WikiStyle['yellow']['color'] = 'yellow';
%blue%$WikiStyle['blue']['color'] = 'blue';
%gray%$WikiStyle['gray']['color'] = 'gray';
%silver%$WikiStyle['silver']['color'] = 'silver';
%maroon%$WikiStyle['maroon']['color'] = 'maroon';
%green%$WikiStyle['green']['color'] = 'green';
%navy%$WikiStyle['navy']['color'] = 'navy';
%purple%$WikiStyle['purple']['color'] = 'purple';

%decimal%$WikiStyle['decimal']['apply'] = 'list';
$WikiStyle['decimal']['list-style'] = 'decimal';
%roman%$WikiStyle['roman']['apply'] = 'list';
$WikiStyle['roman']['list-style'] = 'lower-roman';
%ROMAN%$WikiStyle['ROMAN']['apply'] = 'list';
$WikiStyle['ROMAN']['list-style'] = 'upper-roman';
%alpha%$WikiStyle['alpha']['apply'] = 'list';
$WikiStyle['alpha']['list-style'] = 'lower-alpha';
%ALPHA%$WikiStyle['ALPHA']['apply'] = 'list';
$WikiStyle['ALPHA']['list-style'] = 'upper-alpha';

open links in a new browser-window:
%newwin%$WikiStyle['newwin']['target'] = '_blank';
Turns markup into a comment via display:none CSS
%comment%$WikiStyle['comment']['display'] = 'none';

Author-Defined WikiStyles

  1. The first index of the array defines the style name (e.g. mynewstyle, projectentry etc)
  2. the second index defines the attribute name (e.g. color, bgcolor, etc.)
  3. the value set defines the attribute value (e.g. red, bold, #00ffcc, etc.)

Sample: If you want to define a (site-wide) style the same as the page style

%define=projectentry color:red%


$WikiStyle['projectentry']['color'] = 'red';

The $WikiStyle['projectentry']['apply'] variable may be defined if the wikistyle concerns a particular tag. It may be 'item' (for li|dt), 'list' (for ul|ol|dl), 'div', 'pre', 'img', 'p' or the combining 'block' (for p|div|ul|ol|dl|li|dt|pre|h[1-6]). Example:

 $WikiStyle['top']['apply'] = 'item';
 $WikiStyle['top']['class'] = 'top';

then a markup

 * %top% An important list-item

will output

 <li class="top">An important list-item</li>


To be done:

<< Custom markup | Documentation Index | Available actions >>

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:CustomWikiStyles, and a talk page: PmWiki:CustomWikiStyles-Talk.

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Page mise à jour le 25 août 2006 à 19h24 / Page générée en 0,068 seconde(s).