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<< Basic Variables | PmWiki.Variables | Edit Variables >>

A variable which, when set equal to 1, recognizes the "If-Modified-Since" header coming from browsers and allows browsers to use locally cached pages. Disabled by default to help the administrator customize its page without needing permanent reloading.
This activates an internal stopwatch that shows how long it takes to render a page. (If you have a wiki that composes a HTML page from multiple pages, such as a normal layout with a sidebar, you'll get separate timings for each subpage and for the total page.)
The timings can be displayed by adding <!--function:StopWatch--> in the wiki template.
Valid values are:
        $EnableStopWatch = 0; # No timings (the default). No HTML will be generated.
        $EnableStopWatch = 1; # Wall-clock timings only.
        $EnableStopWatch = 2; # Wall-clock and CPU usage timings. Won't work on Windows.

See also:

  • scripts/refcount.php is useful for debugging

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:DebugVariables, and a talk page: PmWiki:DebugVariables-Talk.

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Page mise à jour le 29 août 2006 à 19h25 / Page générée en 0,05 seconde(s).