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<< Notify | PmWiki.Variables | Pagelist Variables >>

This variable is an array that is used for string substitutions at the end of a call to FmtPageName(). For each element in the array, the "key" (interpreted as a string) will be replaced by the corresponding "value". The variable is intended to be a place to store substitution variables that have frequently changing values (thus avoiding a rebuild of the variable cache). Also see $FmtP.
This variable is an array that is used for pattern substitutions near the beginning of a call to FmtPageName. For each element in the array, the "key" (interpreted as a pattern) will be replaced by the corresponding value evaluated for the name of the current page. This is for instance used to handle $-substitutions that depend on the pagename passed to FmtPageName(). Also see $FmtV.
This variable is an array that is used for Page Variables. New variables can be defined with $FmtPV['$VarName'] = 'variable definition'; which can be used in markup with {$VarName}.
        #example for "source" action
        $PageAttributes['passwdsource'] = "$['Set new source password']"

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:OtherVariables, and a talk page: PmWiki:OtherVariables-Talk.

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Page mise à jour le 25 août 2006 à 15h30 / Page générée en 0,079 seconde(s).