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These define various default site preferences, including access keys and component sizes.

  # Raccourcis clavier - Maintenir [Alt] (Windows) or Control (Mac) puis
  # tapper la touche indiquée puis [entrée] pour activer la fonction désirée.

  'ak_edit'          => 'e',     # Editer page
  'ak_history'       => 'h',     # Historique
  'ak_recentchanges' => 'c',     # Changements récents
  'ak_save'          => 's',     # Sauver la page
  'ak_saveedit'      => 'u',     # Sauver la page mais continuer l'édition
  'ak_preview'       => 'p',     # Prévisualiser la page
  'ak_em'            => 'i',     # Italique
  'ak_strong'        => 'b',     # Gras
  # Editing components
  'e_rows' => '20',              # rows in edit textarea
  'e_cols' => '70',              # columns in edit textarea
  'Site.EditForm' => 'Site.EditForm' # location of EditForm

If you'd like to customize these preferences, to create personal user (browser) preferences, make a copy of this page somewhere, preferably as Profiles.insert_your_name_here-Preferences, edit that page with your new preferred settings, and then select Set Preferences of this Page on the page containing your newly created settings. This sets a cookie on your browser which tells PmWiki where to find your personal preference settings.

To unset this cookie and revert to PmWiki's default preferences, select Revert to PmWiki Default Preferences.

See also Cookbook:UserConfigurations about how to customise the edit form for personal use.

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Page mise à jour le 10 août 2007 à 19h24 / Page générée en 0,06 seconde(s).